Archway Counselling Association has provided counselling services for our community since 1994. The association oversees Archway Counselling, a professional counselling program. Our services are based on a foundation of integrity, compassion, and Christian principles.
“AFTER A FEW SESSIONS AT ARCHWAY I STARTED TO SEE MY LIFE DIFFERENTLY. My counsellor helped me identify the root cause of my thinking and I began to see how I had been buying into lies that were diminishing my personal value. Now I can refocus my attention on how I was uniquely created to live out my purpose. My self-esteem is growing thanks to the insights I gained at Archway!”
Our Core Services
Ways We Serve You.

Reaching out for counselling does not mean you are weak. It means that you have enough self awareness to realize you need help to process your current life situation. Learn more

We offer a variety of specialty counselling workshops throughout the year. View our upcoming schedule. Learn more