Our Story
Helping you move toward wholeness.
Archway Counselling Association provides a broad range of counselling services founded on God’s truths to help people move toward wholeness.
Archway Counselling
- Has been serving Nova Scotians since 1994
- We provide a full range of counselling services for individuals, couples, families, and children
- Our agency started when it became apparent that people in the Truro area needed a Christian counselling centre
- We determined we would offer services at affordable rates in order to make them available to everyone
- An interdenominational volunteer Board of Directors was formed, and Archway Counselling Association officially opened in March of 1994
- Affiliate counselling offices were opened in Lower Sackville in 2006, and in Pictou County in 2009
- We are a unique counselling centre because we are a community based, non-denominational, charitable organization, governed by a volunteer Board, and staffed by trained professionals
Archway’s 25th Anniversary
- Individual, marital, and family counselling is provided for both adults and children
- Counselling sessions focus on needs such as addiction, sexual abuse, depression, anxiety, and marital and family concerns
- Referrals come from government and community agencies, employee assistance programs, word of mouth, and a wide range of denominations within the religious community
- Hundreds of individuals have attended seminars organized by ACA for the community

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What’s in a Name and Logo?
An archway is a great symbol for Archway Counselling.
An archway is a great symbol for Archway Counselling.
An archway is an important supporting structure.
We seek to provide supportive services to people in our community.
An archway serves as a passageway.
We help people through difficult times in their lives.
Each archway has a key stone.
Christ is the keystone that leads people to wholeness.
The arch in our logo represents a horizon, looking ahead to the future, with Christ as the centre.
Statement of Faith
We Believe:
- The Bible, as originally given by God, is divinely inspired, entirely trustworthy, and constitutes the only supreme authority governing all matters of faith and conduct.
- There is one God, eternally co-existent in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present. He is the Creator of the universe.
- Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man, yet without sin. As God the Son, He came to earth as man, fulfilled all He was sent to accomplish, died on the cross for the sins of the world, rose from the dead, rules today at the right hand of God the Father, and will return one day in power and glory.
- The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, our Counsellor and Comforter, who enables believers to live a life pleasing to God. The Holy Spirit makes Christ present to His church and people.
- Salvation is possible only through the merits of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, received by faith apart from works, and is characterized by regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
- The Church is made up of all people who believe Jesus Christ died on the cross for their sins, bringing new life through His resurrection.